Sunday, June 17, 2012

Don't do this, do this!

Jess here!
Well, this is father's day, but that's not what I wanna talk about. I want to talk about what Jesus tells us, compared to what adults tell us (teens, young adults). Adults tend to tell us what we shouldn't do. And that's all fine and dandy. If you look in the Bible, though, most of the commands of Christ are what we should do, not what we shouldn't. He does tell us what we shouldn't do, also. My point, if we kept our attention on doing the things we should do, we wouldn't have the time or want to to do those bad things that we shouldn't do. Just saying. Thanks, to my new youth minister, I am able to understand this and share it! :) Later!

Friday, June 8, 2012

God is good :)

Jess here!! I tend to post when on road trips!!! Hahaha. Well I just wanted to share a verse that just made my day today :)
"Lord, Your love reaches to the heavens, Your loyalty to the skies. Your goodness is as high as the mountains. Your justice is as deep as the great ocean." Psalm 36:5-6 NCV
This verse just lifts me up and helps me to remember that God is just all around amazing!! And that He doesn't leave us hanging! Just keep that in mind today, okay? Troubles big and small may come today, as well as blessings! Remember that God is with you through it all! :) have a blessed day !

Monday, June 4, 2012

Jess's bracelets

Yep! That's a grand total of nine! Some look rough, but that's what happens when you rarely take them off! Some look really messy because when the come untied I have to re tie them! - Jess:)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

A challenge for the day

Jess here! I am currently riding in my dad's new Tahoe with my dad and step mom to pick up my step brother from the air port. As cars pass us, and we pass them, I always enjoy looking at the back of the car to see if there are any bumper stickers, magnets, etc. I also check to see if there are any of those metal looking Jesus fish. I love them. It's a way to express and show your faith. It also makes it easier to spot a Christian. Every time I see one, I wanna say to the driver, "Way to be!" or, "Right on!" or something. It connects us in a weird way. Me and the driver with the fish. Like my bracelets. Out of nine, seven are faith related. People can see them and read them, and know what and who I stand for. It connects me to people. That's my point for today. Connecting with other Christians. Ones we know, and ones we don't. How can you connect with other Christians? How can you be a person who is connectable? See Isaiah 52:7. Are those feet yours? Could they be? Later dudes! :)