Sunday, January 15, 2012

Good news!!!

Jess here!

Soooooo check it. God is amazing and has a plan for everyone. It says so Jeremiah 29:11! What does He have planned for me? No, I have no clue what college I'm going to, or what I'll major in, or who I'll mary. But, never the less, He has someting big for me. On March 13th I will be departing with a few people from my school to.... Paris, France! And I'll get back March 18th. I'll be going for a leadership conference with Global Next!! The emphasis is communications! Needless to say, I'm stoked! Please pray that my group and I will be a light, and that we will learn alot. And for our safety, of course! :) Thats all for now! Until we meet again, God bless! (No, I can't say that in French :P)  

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