Wednesday, December 26, 2012



~ a connection, association, or involvement.
~an emotional or other connection between people (

On my fifteenth birthday, my dad gave me this ring. When he gave it to me, he said "I'm giving you this to represent the fact that I'm going to be here to help you in your search for a husband. As you begin to date, I want to be there to help you make decisions on what guys to date and, in the future, which one to marry." One of the most difficult problems that teens face today is relationships. Girls become consumed with a guy, fall in 'love', then drop him for the next one a week later. Lately, I have been reading the book, "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" by Joshua Harris. On page 19, he says...

"The Bible teaches us that if we truly trust in Jesus Christ, we die to our old way of living. And we can no longer live for ourselves-- we now live for God and for the good of others.
Because of that, relationships with the opposite sex can no longer be about "having a good time" or "learning what I want in a relationship." They're not to be about getting, but giving. Every relationship for a Christian is an opportunity to love another person like God has loved us. To lay down our desires and to do what's in his or her best interest. To care for him or her even when there's nothing in it for us. To want that person's purity and holiness because it pleases God and protects him or her."

I have read and reread these paragraphs many times in the last few months, as I have begun to develop and strengthen relationships with others in my life. I want to make sure that the relationships I am forming are founded upon God's will and Word, and that they all bring glory to Him. I also make sure that the people who I'm forming these relationships with are going to help me grow in my relationship with God, not hinder it.  I have chosen to love these people as Christ loves us.

"This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another." 1 John 4:10-11

                                                                                      ~*Madds :)*~

How are you?

Happy day after Christmas! Jess here. Hope your holidays were a blessing. So much has happened since my last post. A new school year began, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and so much more! Did I mention my bracelet count is up to 12? But enough about me... Madds has been doing well also. We are both very busy with school, sports, and church activities. When handling all this craziness, a passage I've recently read just makes me feel at peace. Turn with me to Psalm 37. I recommend reading all 40 verses, but that can seem like a lot. A part of the passage that really speaks to me as a teen is verses 3-5, "Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act." (ESV) When ending a time in your life (like a calendar year, or a school semester) it tends to fell overwhelming to think about the future. But if you give your dreams, and heart to the Lord, he will help you. If it's in his will, he will then give you what you ask. We just have to say faithful to him. :) Hope this helps you and comforts you the way or did me! There is soooo much more in this passage to discover. I am limited on time and space, but if I could sum it all up for you I would! But trust me, God says it a lot better! Have a blessed day!