Monday, July 18, 2011

What's your "constant"?

Jess here! :)

    I can just hear y'all now...."Booooo!! We want Madds!"  Well lucky for you, she's back from RI today, safetly! Praise the LORD.  I've missed her like crazy. You have no idea. Especially at this time of my life. "Jess what do ya mean?"

~Well I'm glad you asked! Madds has a history of moving alot, I am in the process (basically almost done) of moving from Meade County to Etown (Elizabethtown, for those that don't use Kentucky slang) which is in Hardin County, which borders Meade County.
Now, thats about 30 mins away. Basically from a place with no Wal-Mart, to a place that's got one, 15 mins away. Infact we're so far out of E town we're almost to Glendale (no, I'm not happy about being close to Glendale Days festival) 
        **Do I have to change schools? Nope, I'm still at the same one, and I love it. :)
        **Do I have to give up my home Church, back in Meade County? Nope, but I have to get up earlier to get there. It's worth it.

~Sooooo back to the title. What does it have to do with me moving?
Well the location has changed but God hasn't. He's constant, never changing. Never leaving me. He's my constant. At first I thought my old house (which I've lived in my whole life) was my constant. Apparently not, hahaha, but I would have had to move in three years anyway. Yay for college!  
Listen to the song "Constant" By Francesca Battistelli. Here's some of the lyrics.

~"You're my constant, in every moment constant, you've never failed me, all my life you've never left my side, you are my constant."

~God is your constant who, no matter where you are in your life, spritual walk, or physical location on earth, never fails. (Also see the song "Your Love Never Fails"  by Jesus Culture.)

" The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deuteronomy 31:8

Until we meet again! :) God bless!

Friday, June 10, 2011


Hey yall! Jess and I are going to this awesome camp next week called Mission-fuge. The camp is based on missions, and learning more about the Word of God. We are all assigned to a mission site where we can serve God, and others, all at the same time! We are totally excited!!! Please pray that we can learn more about God during the week, and become closer  to him :)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Paitence is key... :)

So, we meet again, ehh?

Jess here. Patience is something I am struggling with right now. What about you? Well my ten year old step brother has flown in today. He will be staying until July 9th, I believe. This is the longest he's stayed yet, and his third visit. He feels very at home, yeah, thats a kind way to word it. Hahaha. He's not that bad. But anyways... I am working on being patient with him. I was an only child until my dad got married, so this is quite difficult for me. But it's things like this I like to turn to the Bible for advice.
Check out Galatians 5:22-23, yep, this refers to the fruits of the Spirit. Patience is one of them.
I am really digging Ephesians 4:2, "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love." (NIV) I will definitely keep this verse in mind as I go through my summer. :)
So who or what are you struggling being patient with? Why? Pray to be better. Pray that God will give strength, and fill your heart with compassion. Pray that He will give you wisdom, and guard your tongue so that you will not hurt anyone when you may loose you're patience.

Well good luck! :)

"But the Spirit produces the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfullness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law that says these things are wrong."
                                                                                                              ~ Galatians 5:22-23

Monday, May 23, 2011


Hey Y'all!

This is Jess! Madds and I decided to start a blog with devotions, and funny stories, and whatever we feel like!!!! Yes, we may seem kinda young to this, but hey! 1 Timothy 4:12 says,

"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young , but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity." (NIV)

This is our main purpose! :) Hehe, Madds's mom suggested the idea of a blog, and After seeing our youth minister's wife's blog, it seemed like a GREAT idea, so here goes nothing! :) Lol.

- Jess!